Need a wesbite?

Hi I'm Eddy Molina!

Welcome! I am a software developer full time. YouTube Movie reviewer on the side, and also a free lance website creator! If you are looking to create a website or just need some help looking at your page then shoot me an email! If you are here because of my YouTube channel, then if you already haven't, please make sure to subscribe! I've made this website to help people around my community who need help building a website, or need help troubleshooting their PC. I have a background of customer support along with troubleshooting, so that's were all my skills come in handy. I come from an Ecuadorian family background, so if you would like to learn more about that, then please visit my "visitecuador" page, you can go there by clicking "Ecuador" from the menu.

Your PC having problems? Go here for some helpful tips!